Sunday, April 12, 2009

a new beginning

Finally, the Kramers return!

Hopefully, I won't forget my username and password again.  Hahahaha!  

So Alex & I are out of our apartment on Cheyenne & Durango and are now in my parents' house.  I don't know why some people believe living with the parents is a drag... I LOVE IT!!!  I mean, come on - my mom's filipino food, my dad's authentic North Carolina BBQ, my old room that I get to share with my hubby, I could go on forever.  Too bad I can't live with them forever =/ hehe...

Anywho, today's Easter Sunday and we went to church and it was soo sweet!  Sacrament was full of music - lots of musical numbers and I was almost (yes, ALMOST) in tears because the singers were so talented and lovely and the spirit they brought was so strong.  Alex was looking over at me every couple seconds to see if I was crying... he makes me laugh.  Then, Sunday school... learning about the gathering of Israel (unfortunately, I didn't pay much attention in this class...neither did Alex - he was watching a cute little girl eat goldfish crackers & I'm guessing it was ultra CUTE. Hehe)  In Relief Society, the speaker gave a really good lesson full of music.  I think we had to sing about 7 songs.  It was about the Savior's resurrection and it was full of stories...and I payed attention.

Ooh! I was finally introduced in RS today as well, along with 2 other newlyweds, Megan and Courtney.  Sweet, now I have someone to sit next to in RS so I'm not all by myself full of women with kidding, it's like everyone has at least 3 kids.

Alex & I wish everyone a very happy Easter!

Hugs & Kisses

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