Tuesday, April 14, 2009

lions, tigers, and DINOSAURS?... oh my??

The weather right now, outside the house, sounds like a tornado!  I honestly feel like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz where my house stays in one piece, but when I look out of the window, it's nothing but chaos!  I mean, jeez, the trees are bending 90 degrees in one direction and branches are swaying so crazy it's like tiny little arms doing the worm at a million miles an hour...  It's like the weather just wants to mess with us ... 

Just think:
Cloud 1: Yo-hooo, Nimbus, what's up, dude?!
Cloud 2: Nothin' much bro!  Let's like totally mess around with Vegas, dude.
Cloud 1: Like, how, man?  Like, what is it that you wanna do?
Cloud 2:  Let's like, pretend to make a tornado, dude.
Cloud 1:  Whooa, dude... Call me Cloudy cuz I'm in.

Okay, so that's my imagination at work.  Gotta love it!  

Anyways... today, I have to say was a good day.  I got to work early and apparently so did everyone else in the back office! Woo!  And I got some of my chores done at work and the day went pretty smooth.  At lunch, I took Heidi to Taco Bell (the first time in 2 and a 1/2 months!).  OMG, I was in Taco Bell heaven for like 5 minutes; that's how long it took me to eat my 3 tacos!  

And then, the topic of conversation we had at lunch today was awesome:  

Where, in the 7 days Heavenly Father created the world, do dinosaurs come into the picture?

Here are some of the theories we had come up with (that I remember):
1.  Days in Heaven are a lot shorter than days on Earth. It took Heavenly Father 7 days to create the Earth, but what kind of days are we talking about here?  7 Earth days or 7 Heaven days?  The theory is that it took 7 Heaven days to create the earth which means that on Earth, it could have taken millions of years.
2.  Heavenly Father has a great sense of humor.  He put fossils and what not into the earth just to keep us busy until we returned to Him.  Why not?
3.  On the earth, there is opposition in all things God created.  Dinosaurs lived so that their fossils in the ground would lead man away from religion and to rely on science and the idea of Evolution.
4.  Heavenly Father created the earth using other worlds he had created as examples or maybe even a Earth version 2.0 and dinosaurs were one of those parts from the other worlds.

It was pretty deep and it was hilarious how some of us thought out of the box.  In the end, I think that we will probably never unravel the mysteries that Heavenly Father planted in this world and that we it won't be until we return to Him, that all will be revealed to us and, of course, it will all make sense.

Barbara =]

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